Myriad Matrix™


Myriad Matrix™ contains multiple layers of AROA ECM to enable regeneration of organized, functional tissue.

VITAL PROTECTION: Cover and protect vital structures.
Myriad provides immediate coverage and rapid granulation tissue to cover ​exposed structures.1-3

VOLUMETRIC FIll: Rapidly fill large defects.
Myriad forms robust, functional tissue.3-5

RESILIENT & PERSISTENT: Enabling early intervention.
Myriad persists in the defect despite contamination and inflammation.5-10

1. Bohn, G. A. and A. E. Chaffin (2020). J Wound Care 29(12): 742-749
2. Bosque, B. A. et al (2023). J Am Podiatry Med Assoc 113(3): 22-081
3. Cormican, M. T. et al (2023). ePlasty 23: e66
4. Chaffin, A. E. and M. C. Buckley (2020). J Wound Care 29(11): 624-630
5. Taarea, R. et al (2024). Trauma Cases Rev 10(1): 102
6. Chaffin, A. E. et al (2021).J Wound Care 30(Sup7): S28-S34.
7. Mosquera, C., S. et al (2024). J Craniofac Surg.2024 Aug 12
8. Su, T. (2024). Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Cases 10(3): 100369
9. DeNoto, G., E. P. et al (2021). J. Clin. Med. 10(21): 4998
10.Overbeck, N. et al (2022). ePlasty 22(e43)

Myriad Matrix in hand

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